Episode 15 – One of the items that many people struggle with when it comes to social media, is content. What should you post? How do you come up with your content? We can help answer those questions!

Episode 14 – One of the upsides of social media, is the fact that many of the websites you use to build your fan base cost you nothing to use. Actually, that is cost nothing but your time! But while these free sites are the upside of social media marketing, they can also be the down side. It truly is a double edged sword. But as I often tell people, you’re getting what you pay for.

Episode 13 – Let’s face it, we’re always on the search for shortcuts. It’s simply human nature. And when it comes to growing your social media following, impatience seems to run rampant. It’s part of our ‘I want it now’ culture. And of course there companies out there that cater to helping you building your numbers quickly. Notice, I didn’t say build your fan base.

Episode 12 – When we sit down and talk social media with many potential clients, we find that they are often struggling with not only what they should be posting to their social media sites, but also their frustration with the amount of time that they need to focus on their social media efforts. Let us explain how you can grow your presence in just 15 minutes per day.

Episode 11 – It doesn’t have to be a new year for you to resolve to do a better job when it comes to your social media presence. We’ve talked about strategy in a past episode, but if you’re still having trouble getting focused, we have a few tips that might help you get started. While many people choose to begin their resolutions in January, you can improve your social media standing anytime!