Episode 235 – When it comes to social media, everyone is searching for shortcuts. The old adage ‘time is money’ rings very true. So how much time do you really need to spend working your social media platforms? What’s the minimum amount you can expend? And more importantly, can you really spend too much time concentrating on your social media efforts?

Episode 234 – For many, social media is still very new. But for those of us who have been working in the social media world for over a decade, we’ve seen some truths that come and go. Often we approached by people who are looking for a defined set of rules that they can easily follow. Is there such a thing as general social media marketing rules?

Episode 233 – There is one fact that endures when it comes to social media marketing; everyone wants fast growth. Big numbers impress people. They’re a status symbol. But is rapid growth possible in an over saturated social media world?

Episode 232 – Life is filled is give and take, and so is a successful social media plan. Over the years we have seen people make the same mistake over and over. They want people to TAKE from them but have no desire to GIVE back. Social media works best when you truly are social…

Episode 231- As we’ve mentioned many times over the years, to properly get the most from your social media marketing efforts you need to put a plan together. But what kind of plan do you really need? What are the pros and cons? Proper planning can be easy, or you can make it difficult. That’s strictly up to you…